A Hand bag or a purse is a handled bag that is often fashionably design and typically use by women. Some women use bags to complete her fashion by holding the most trendy bag available at that time. but it is also some how use for holding personal items such as wallet/coins,keys,mobile phones,jewelry,cosmetics,food pen or paper and other self defense items when we are going outside from our home. so that's why hands bag are used as fashion as well as a functional accessory.
Hand bags can be categorized according to the silhouette of the bag. The current popular silhouette of bag are Baguette, Barrel, Bowling bag purse,bucket bag,Doctors bag,drawstring,half moon ,hobo,satchel,tote,trapezoid etc.
Here i collected most adorable and fancy hand bags for you girls which you can carry with you in your parties as well.Some bags are quite simple but has their own grace and some are fancy which are made up of with beautiful pearls. You can also see those type of bags which not only consists of different sections but also have a special large section available for placing your shoes or sandals there and also it does not affect the size of hand bag. A medium size stylish bags with this facility are also available in designers stores and a big famous markets.
you can also shop from the E-stores of Pakistani hand bag designer's official website. Just take an idea for the most trendy and stylish handbags from here and go straight to buy online. I hope my this post will be helpful for you to decide that what type of stuff you are looking for yourself. GUCCI is the most famous brand you can buy from their official website. hand bags price ranges between Rs 1500 to Rs 2000.
This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives indepth information. Thanks for this nice article.
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